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I have not received a restitution check in a long time, why not? I know a victim that has received a check for restitution, but I have not received one, why not? I am owed more restitution than what was given to me on this check, where is the rest?

Victim Restitution

Funds are distributed pursuant to court order and based on payments received. Monies that are received are receipted into the particular case; when the amount owed reaches the minimum threshold (currently $25) for the victim's account, a check will be generated and processed. As long as sufficient funds are received, restitution checks will be generated. The Finance Department collects and disburses funds. We do not enforce payments on defendants, nor do we have authority over liens on property. For this type of information, please contact the U.S. Attorney's Office Victim/Witness Coordinator at (304)345-2200 or 300 Virginia Street, Suite 4000, Charleston, WV 25301.