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Criminal Justice Act (CJA)

Under the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) (United States Code: Title 18, § 3006A), the Court appoints counsel to represent defendants, who are not able to financially obtain counsel. In addition, the CJA provides federal funds for attorneys, experts, and services necessary for the adequate representation of indigent defendants. In the Southern District of West Virginia, the CJA Attorney Advisor administers the CJA Plan, which was approved by the Court on August 9, 2018, and approved by the Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit on September 4, 2018.

Important: The Southern District of West Virginia has adopted an online system for reimbursement under the CJA. All claims for compensation must be made through eVoucher.

For More Information Contact:

Meagan Alise Preece McClure, CJA Attorney Advisor

Debbie Reynolds, CJA Technician

John H. Tinney, Jr., National CJA Panel Representative
Hendrickson & Long, PLLC

CJA Topics

General eVoucher Information

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