Confidentiality of Juror Information
- All information obtained from juror questionnaires is confidential and may be used only for jury selection and in accordance with this rule.
- All copies of juror questionnaires must be destroyed or returned to the Court upon completion of the trial, or at any earlier time determined by the Court.
- For represented parties, counsel of record is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of juror questionnaires, and must apply security practices no less stringent than those applicable to confidential client information. Unrepresented parties may use juror questionnaires only under supervision of the Court, and may not reproduce the juror questionnaires in any form, or distribute them to anyone.
- Juror questionnaires will be electronically filed under restricted access to only counsel and court personnel in the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system five (5) business days before trial or as otherwise directed by the Court. Electronic access will be available to the Court and counsel of record only. The Court will provide unrepresented parties with one paper copy of the juror questionnaires at the beginning of jury selection. Juror questionnaires will not be available via mail or facsimile transmission.